Use this form to submit any dining-related requests.
  • This is the title that the Marketing Team will use in reference to this project. It will also appear in the subject line of e-mail correspondence.
  • i.e. $ Revenue, # Attendance, # Covers, etc.
  • i.e. Appear in Winter Park Times, print out for Concierge (what size?), post on social media, etc.
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Menu Details

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • (normal hours?)
  • (adult and child?)
  • (if not fully finalized, please provide what type of menu - i.e. four-course, prix fixe, comes with wine pairing, etc.)
  • If you have a menu or BEO that you need us to reference when working on this request, please attach it here.

Marketing in charge of edits to Website
F&B Managers in charge of edits to OpenTable

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