Make Your Own Bath Bombs at Home

Colorado Resort & Spa

Plop, Fizz, Ahh. There’s no time like the present to sink into a hot bubbly bathtub to clear your mind and let any tension melt away. Our Ranch Creek Spa loves encouraging rest and rejuvenation to stimulate wellness for your body, mind, and spirit. When a trip to the spa isn’t likely; however, we’re here to help bring relaxation to you. Grab the ingredients below and follow the step-by-step instructions for DIY bath bombs with our Ranch recommended pairings of essential oil fragrances. If you plan to create these as an at-home family activity, consider adding coloring and glitter for the kiddos. They’ll be mesmerized watching it spread through the water at bath time!

For more at-home spa experiences, Shop Our Spa Products Online.

What You’ll Need:

  • Molds for 4 bath bombs
  • Optional dried rose buds, lavender, food coloring, or glitter
  • 1 cup baking soda 
  • 1/2 cup citric acid
  • 1/2 cup cornstarch 
  • 1/2 cup Epsom salt 
  • 3 1/2 tablespoons almond oil
  • 3/4 tablespoon water
  • About 15 drops organic, pure essential oils
  • Ranch Recommendations:
    • Equal parts lavender and orange
    • Two-parts lavender to one-part eucalyptus
    • Three-parts lavender to one-part peppermint


  1. Mix together all of the dry ingredients with the exception of the citric acid. If you’re using coloring or glitter, add in the amount to create your desired look or shade. 
  2. In a separate bowl, mix together the wet ingredients. 
  3. Pour the liquid mixture over the dry ingredients. Mix until combined.
  4. Very slowly, so not to activate it, add in the citric acid. It may fizz a little, but this is normal.
  5. If you’re using dried rose buds or lavender, add them to your half molds.
  6. Fill each half mold with the sandy mixture tightly packing it in until the mold is a bit overflowing.
  7. Press the halves firmly together and let them sit in the mold for at least a minute.
  8. Gently tap and pull the mold apart to remove each bath bomb.
  9. Let them fully dry for a day or two before enjoying!


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