Time to harvest our sweetest crop.
In addition to crisp morning hikes, cool flowing streams, and fiery colored leaves, there’s another reason to make a beeline to Devil’s Thumb Ranch this autumn. Collecting the sweetness from our very own eighty hives is at the top of our honey-do list.
Our busy bees and talented beekeepers have worked hard all year to ensure an abundant crop – batches upon batches of amber goodness that make our farm fresh breakfasts more flavorful, our house-made desserts more delectable, and our signature cocktails even craftier.
While many of our guests flock here for our own ranch-raised, melt-in-your-mouth, Wagyu beef – accompanied by our homegrown vegetables – our locally-sourced honey is creating a buzz of its own. From the honeycomb on our cheeseboard in Heck’s Tavern to the baked brie with mountain flower honey served at the Ranch House Restaurant, we’re committed to sweetening the ranch-to-table experience every way we can.
Join us for an up-close and personal Summer Bee Experience.
For reservations at Heck’s Tavern or the Ranch House Restaurant, call 970-726-7000.