Employee Volunteer Events
The Devil’s Thumb Ranch Employee Volunteer Team debuted with a bang! On Tuesday April 18th, we took two hour shifts collecting food with the help of shoppers at City Market. The generosity of the Fraser Valley community wasn’t surprising, but it was extraordinary and humbling. One community member left an entire shopping cart full of groceries to donate to the Mountain Family Center! A few community members donated food to our cause, letting us know how grateful they were to Mountain Family Center for helping them get on their feet, and how wonderful it felt to be in a position to give back.
On Wednesday, we headed to the Mountain Family Center to weigh and stock the food that we collected on Tuesday. We learned that since most people donate around Thanksgiving and Christmas, the shelves become pretty bare in the spring. What a feat to fit 13 of our employees in a small room packed with shelves! We made an assembly line to get everything put away, and left the shelves of the food pantry fully stocked. Helen Sedlar, who worked with us to organize the event, said that they have never seen a response like this before! She thought it might have been a result of our presentation in our brand new Devil’s Thumb Ranch volunteer t-shirts. In the end, we gathered 1,682 pounds of food and $592.00 in cash donations. We had so much fun helping out in the community with our team, and can’t wait to get back to it next month!
-Madeleine Sullivan